Our Mission

We exist to promote the greater good of our city through real estate appraisals in residential communities, while remaining accountable to home owners, mortgage lenders and the highest standards of our own professional integrity.

About River Crest

office-kansas-e1376315547607River Crest Appraisals, LLC is a relatively young company, but it boasts significant experience. The company has developed long-standing relationships with many mortgage lenders and appraisal management companies in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Our appraisers are licensed/certified/FHA approved and average 15 years of experience each in the residential appraisal industry.

Industry Experience

River Crest Appraisals comprises a team of dedicated individuals with more than a combined 132 years of experience in the industry, most of that experience right here in Kansas City. We have worked for and with many of Kansas City’s largest appraisal firms and we understand the many ways that River Crest can provide a superior service with greater accountability and integrity.

Our clients have high standards and we take pride in meeting those standards with every report we deliver and every phone call we make.

Why “River Crest?”

Before the days of planes, trains, and 18-wheelers, the majority of U.S. cities were built by major rivers to be near a dependable water source and also for access to shipping routes down the river. As a result, cities located by rivers and other waterways quickly flourished.
Since its formation, Kansas City has kept a strong association with water. Known as the “City of Fountains,” our beautiful city is adorned with thousands of fountains. This is just one of ways our city is truly unique.
These realities inspired the name of our company. We believe that an important mission of our company is to have a positive impact on our community. We chose a name that is unique, but also has a very strong connection to our city.

Cheering for the Underdog

River Crest Appraisals is the new kid on the block. Individually, we have been around for a long time. But as a company, we are relatively young. Don’t let our age fool you, though. We have some of the best appraisers in the city, and we have an unparalleled amount of vision and purpose (and the experience to back it up).

The appraisal industry is brimming with over-sized and inefficient  firms and management companies, who have lost focus on what our industry is really all about. As a result the appraisers, homeowners, and clients often times get overlooked or under prioritized. That’s where we come in. Our approach is to devote ample time to each client and each order. You won’t get lost in the shuffle here (and you’ll reach a voice on the other end of the line when you call, not a recording).

At River Crest Appraisals, we are smart, streamlined and efficient. We provide our clients continuous updates on their orders. Furthermore, we are always happy to answer any calls, emails or other requests regarding the valuable orders that you have entrusted to our care.

We hope you’ll get behind us in our efforts to reclaim the appraisal industry with the values that made it great. We may not be big, but our honest, friendly and hard-working approach will serve you well for many years to come. Please join us in taking on the “big guys” and changing the industry, our communities, and this city for the better!